วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

[News] Historical drama Kim Suro goes 3D

[News] Historical drama Kim Suro goes 3D
Cr. - dramabeans
Repost : http://twssg.blogspot.com/

Er, what now? Apparently MBC’s Kim Suro, the sageuk drama based on the founding myth of the Kaya nation, is going 3D, a first for a Korean television series.

According to producers, next month the drama will unveil its 3D portions (titles and making-of videos) after production has been completed. A sprawling battle scene that includes dozens of characters will unfold, literally, before our eyes. Ten minutes of the making-of video have already been filmed, and instead of converting that picture to 3D, it was actually shot from the get-go by 3D cameras.

There have been a few projects (on a smaller scale) that have used 3D video, such as the music video for Jo Sung-mo’s song “Days of Receiving Love,” which was the theme song to Sayonara Itsuka. The documentary Tears of Africa (which follows the hit Tears of the Amazon) is also being produced in 3D. The filming equipment used is the same used in Avatar.

Kim Suro stars Yoo Oh-sung, Bae Jong-ok, and Ji Sung. The first batch of 3D video previews will be released in mid- to late May.

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

지성, 매니저없이 나홀로 김해行‥왜?

지성, 매니저없이 나홀로 김해行‥왜?
기사전송 2010-04-24 11:10

배우 지성이 지난 17일께 매니저도 없이 홀로 김해행을 감행한 것으로 알려져 화제다.

 김해는 MBC 주말드라마 '김수로'(극본 김미숙, 연출 최종수 장수봉)의 주요 배경이 되는 가야가 역사적으로 존재했던 곳이자, 드라마의 주요 촬영지인 가야 역사테마파크가 위치한 곳이다. 현재 지성은 '김수로'의 타이틀롤 김수로왕 역에 캐스팅 된 상태. 때문에 지성의 이번 김해행은 본인의 촬영 분량이 시작되기 전 미리 김해를 찾아 '김수로'의 촬영 분위기를 살피고 가야의 향수를 느껴보겠다는 의도가 담겨있다. 지성은 이날 매니저 없이 홀로 김해 촬영장을 깜짝 방문해 현장 스태프를 격려하고 인근 가야 유적지와 가야 관련 유물이 전시돼 있는 박물관 등을 관람하고 서울로 돌아온 것으로 알려졌다.

 지성은 "김수로왕의 감정이나 시대적 배경 등에 대해서 직접 체득하며 김수로왕을 연기하는 데 도움이 될 것 같아서 김해를 찾았다"며 "김해 세트와 유적지를 둘러보고 나니 막연했던 김수로왕의 이미지가 확연히 떠오르는 것 같다. 시청자의 기대에 부응하는 김수로왕을 연기하겠다"고 밝혔다.

 '김수로'에 대한 지성의 연기열정은 이미 드라마 관계자들 사이에서도 유명하다. 지성은 드라마 출연이 확정되자마자 가야와 김수로왕 공부 삼매경에 빠져들었다. 궁금한 부분은 직접 관계자들에게 질문하는 등의 적극성도 보였다.

 한편 '김수로'는 선진 철기문명과 해양무역을 통해 독자적인 경제발전과 문화를 이뤘던 가야의 건국신화를 재조명하고 가야건국의 주역인 김수로왕의 일대기를 그려낼 작품으로 '신이라 불리운 사나이' 후속으로 오는 5월 30일 첫 방송된다.


`김수로` 배종옥, 김수로왕 지성과 모자 연기

`김수로` 배종옥, 김수로왕 지성과 모자 연기
기사전송 2010-04-23 08:35

오는 5월 말 방송 예정인 MBC 주말 특별기획 드라마 '김수로'[극본 김미숙ㆍ공동연출 최종수ㆍ장수봉]에서 배우 배종옥이 고난의 상황에서도 굴하지 않는 강인한 여성상, 정견모주의 모습이 담긴 첫 스틸사진을 공개해 화제가 되고 있다.

'김수로'에서 배종옥이 맡은 '정견모주'는 가야를 세운 김수로왕(지성 분)의 어머니로 내면에는 따뜻함을 가졌지만 위기의 상황에서는 냉정하리만큼 단호한 결단력을 가진 인물이다. 후에는 숨겨졌던 카리스마와 리더십을 발휘하며 자신의 운명을 개척해 나가는 강하고 대찬 '철의 여인'.

경기도 화성에서 촬영된 것으로 알려진 사진 속에서 배종옥은 만삭의 배를 하고서도 활시위 끝을 노려보는 예리한 눈빛은 살아있는 모습으로 ‘정견비‘의 강인함을 느끼게 하고 있다. 특히 뱃속의 태아(김수로왕)를 잃지 않겠다는 결연한 의지를 내보이고 있어 폭풍 같은 사나운 운명 속에서 정견비가 어떻게 맞설지에 대한 시청자들의 기대를 한껏 고조시키고 있다.

촬영 현장 관계자는“배종옥씨는 만삭의 임산부 복장을 하고서도 쫓기는 장면을 위해 수 십 번을 내달리는 장면을 촬영하는 것에 주저함이 없었다. 불화살을 쏘는 장면에서는 남성배우들에게도 쉽지 않은 활을 능수능란하게 사용하는 모습을 보여 현장 스태프들의 탄성을 자아냈다.”며 “고난에 굴하지 않는 강인한 여성상인 정견비를 배종옥씨가 어떤 모습으로 그려낼지 벌써부터 기대된다.”고 전했다.

한편, MBC 주말 특별기획 드라마 '김수로'는 고증을 거쳐 세워진 김해와 마산 등지의 대규모 세트장에서 제작되는 올 상반기 최고의 기대작으로, 5월 말부터 주말 밤 9시 45분에 방송되며, MBC ‘신이라 불리운 사나이’의 후속으로 삼국역사에 가려져 빛을 보지 못했던 ‘철의 강국, 가야’의 모습을 선보일 예정이다.

[매일경제 스타투데이 조은영 기자 helloey@mk.co.kr]

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

[Photo] Ji Sung (지성) as Kim Soo Ro (김수로) : MBC New Historical Drama.

[News] Ji Sung in MBC’s Kim Suro

April 16th, 2010 // by javabeans

Ji Sung (Swallow the Sun) is taking the titular role in MBC’s upcoming drama Kim Suro, as pictured in these newly released stills. He has acted mostly in contemporary dramas such as New Heart and All In, but jumps back two millennia to play the first king of the Kaya nation, who reigned in the 1st century A.D.

In addition to Ji Sung and his co-star Yoo Oh-sung, the drama has added actress Seo Ji-hye (I Love You) and Go Joo-won (OB-GYN) to its cast.

Go Joo-won plays Kim Suro’s rival as his half-brother by a different father; their mother is played by Bae Jong-ok. Seo Ji-hye will play Kaya’s first queen, Heo Hwang-ok; according to Suro’s legend, she was a princess who traveled to Kaya from a far-off kingdom Ayodhya (located in current-day India). Her parents had been told in a dream that a man named Suro was sent by Heaven to found the Kaya state, and were instructed to send their daughter to be the new king’s spouse. Once she had arrived via ship and met Suro, he confirmed that he had also foreseen that his wife would be sent to him.

The drama will air on weekends beginning in late May.

Via Joy News

King Suro of Geumgwan Gaya

Suro of Geumgwan Gaya :
Suro, or Sureung (수릉, 首陵), (r. 42 - 199) was the legendary founder and king of the state of Geumgwan Gaya in southeastern Korea.

According to the founding legend of Geumgwan Gaya, King Suro was one of six princes born from eggs that descended from the sky in a golden box. Suro was the leader among the princes, who went off to found the other states of Gaya, asserting the leadership of the Gaya confederacy.

Meeting of his queen
Also according to legend, King Suro's queen Heo Hwang-ok was a princess from the Indian country of Ayuta (아유타, 阿踰陀). She is said to have arrived in Gaya by boat in the year 48. They had ten sons in all, two of whom took the mother's family name. Ayuta is today often identified with Ayodhya in India, and the tale has gained modern significance in the light of the modern-day relations between Korea and India[1]. This legend was recorded in the chronicle Garakguk-gi (가락국기, 駕洛國記), and reproduced in the 13th century chronicle Samguk Yusa.
In the northern Indian city of Ayodhya, a recently visiting Korean delegation has inaugurated a memorial to their royal ancestor, Queen Heo Hwang-ok. More than a hundred historians and government representatives, including the North Korean ambassador to India, unveiled the memorial on the west bank of the River Saryu. Today, the historians say, Queen Heo Hwang-ok's descendants number more than six-million, including the former president of the Republic of Korea, Kim Dae Jung.

Tomb of King Suro in Gimhae

Translating the legend
The legend as a whole is seen as indicative of the early view of kings as descended from heaven. Notably, a number of Korean kingdoms besides the six Gaya made foundation legends with ties to chickens and eggs. Jumong, the founding king of Goguryeo, is said to have been born from an egg laid by Lady Yuhwa of Buyeo; Bak Hyeokgeose, the first king of Saro-guk, or Shilla, is said to have hatched from an egg discovered in a well; and Kim Alji, the progenitor of the Kim dynasty of Shilla, is said to have been discovered in Gyerim Forest by Hogong in a golden box, where a rooster was crowing. Aspects of the legend have been mined for information about the customs of Gaya, of which little is known. For example, Lee (1984, p. 7) cites the legend of his being raised to the kingship as one among various "embellished accounts of ... selecting a tribal leader." Kwon (2003) analyzes the tale of Queen Heo to gain information about the types of clothing worn at the time.
A tomb attributed to King Suro is still maintained in modern-day Gimhae. Members of the Gimhae Kim clan, who continue to play important roles in Korean life today, trace their ancestry to King Suro, as do members of the Gimhae Heo clan; they did not inter-marry until the beginning of the 20th century.